If you want to make a QUANTEC® to harmonize your relationship, rate beforehand for free. whether there is enough compatibility to make a quantum treatment work. Understand however: harmonizing a couple does not mean forcing the other person to do or be as you want, but to generate corrective frequencies for what was once good, and stopped being, go back to being. Fill out the form below with precise information and in great detail, so that the assessment can be assertive. Do not provide partial names, ie it must be the full name and exact date of birth of the people involved. Do not request this assessment if you have not yet had any involvement with the person, as this service is not intended to bring those you want closer together, but rather, only assess whether QUANTEC® it can help to bring people who have already had a relationship together again.
Attention: The pre-assessment service is free. However, there is no way to guarantee a response time. It all depends on the demand for assessment requests and/or the volume of treatments already contracted that are requiring action. Make sure you fill out the form correctly as errors, forgotten, duplicated or inconsistent data that require a later request for correction will cause your assessment to go to the end of the queue and exit the standard response flow, which can lead to delays up to 60 days for response. Correct and complete filling will help speed up the response.
Assess whether Quantec can help to harmonize your relationship: